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    600字作文 MyFamily(应何静怡)


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    my family

    class 6,grade 6 daisy

    hi, my name is daisy. there are four members is my family. my mother, my father, my sister and me. l"m a student, my father is an accountant.

    look, my father is very fat. he is 80 kg, and he is about 170 cm. my mother is only 157 cm tall, but she is pretty. i think my mother is about 50 kg. she is 13 cm shorter than my father. and my father is heavier than my mother.

    i"m taller than my sister. i think my sister is funnier than me. i"m 13 yeare old ,my sister 8 years old. i"m 5 years older than my sister, and stronger.

    i love my family.


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    MyFamily(应何静怡) 应何静怡 600字

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