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1、孩子通过游戏what’s in the tray? 学习新词。 meat, fish, juice, pancakes, eggs, bread 。

2、孩子在游戏、各个活动中能听懂并理解教师的问题:do you like fish? what is lewis eating?

3、孩子在老师引导下通过游戏、对话学习用句子回答老师的问题。yes/no. yes, i like eggs. no, i don’t like eggs. he / she is eating meat. he / she is drinking milk.




1、全彩闪卡cards: meat, fish, juice, pancakes, eggs, bread.

2、实物:object: apron, tray.

3、木偶:puppet: lewis the lion.

4、教学挂图:the teaching picture p2

5、磁带:对话tape: dialogue

6、纸、蜡笔paper crayon





1、孩子通过老师在游戏what’s in the tray? (托盘里有什么?) 风趣夸张的表演及各种形象的实物卡片的配合学习新词: meat, fish, juice, pancakes, eggs,bread。再通过游戏: pass food(传递食品)与孩子互动巩固应用新词。

1) 游戏game: what’s in the tray?

老师一边穿上围裙一边说i put on the apron. i am the waitress. 然后手指一指托盘说:there are some food in the tray. 最后做神秘的样子说:let"s look.


老师一边拿出张卡片一边说 it’s meat/ fish/ juice/ bread. (它是肉 / 鱼 /果汁 / 面包)

t:children say after me.

ch: it’s meat/ fish/ juice/ bread.

t: ok! one more time.

ch: it’s meat/ fish/ juice/ bread.

老师走到孩子面前一边出示卡片一边问:what’s this? 引导孩子回答it’s meat/fish/ juice/ bread。

用同样的方法学习they are pancakes/ eggs. (他们是薄煎饼 / 鸡蛋)

在孩子初步学习新词的基础上教师进一步用题问的方式引导孩子用yes, i like------ / no, i don’t like------来回答问题。既应用了句式又巩固了词汇。

t: do you like eggs? 你喜欢鸡蛋吗?

教师帮助孩子们一边点头一边说: yes, i like meat/ fish/ juice/ bread / eggs/ pancakes. 或摇头并摇手说no, i don’t like meat/ fish/ juice/ bread /eggs/ pancakes.

2) 游戏: pass food (传递食品)(把所有食物闪卡全部正面朝下放在桌子上。)

老师扮演狮子用粗粗的嗓音一边挥手一边说:hello, boys and girls! 然后用手一指好奇地说: look, the cards face down. what are they? 请一个孩子到前面来任意翻一张卡片。

l:help me, please. what"s this?

ch: it’s bread.

第二次请两个孩子同时翻卡片,第三次请3到4个孩子。当翻到eggs / pancakes时老师重点强调他们不止一个they are more than one.用they are pancakes/ eggs.来说。最后老师利用桌子上翻过来的卡片和小狮子表演一段对话。


l: (can you) pass me the eggs, please. (请
